Faculty & Staff
Park’s phone system (automated directory, extensions, and voicemail) number is 716-839-1243.
A receptionist is also available during business hours and can be reached at 716-839-1242.
The Admissions Office can be reached at x105.
The Business Office can be reached at x101.
The Development Office can be reached at x130.
The directory below provides direct contact information for faculty, staff, and administrators.
Charles Hartney
Staff/Student SupportHead of Upper School716-839-1243 x244Renee Herman
Kadimah ScholarsKadimah Teacher, K-2nd GradeJarret Izzo '03
Staff/Student SupportDirector of Admissions & Family Engagement716-839-1242 x107Maeve Kearney
Staff/Student SupportReceptionistCaitlin Littlefield
Core TeachersGrades 5 and 6 Math and Science Teacher, Grade 6 Homeroom716-839-1243 x163Cindi Mikulik
Kadimah ScholarsKadimah Teacher, 6-9th Grade