Reunion 2025 

Please join us on Friday, May 30, 2025 for our annual all-classes Reunion with a few new twists - based on feedback from alumni, we’ll be gathering outside in the Circle under a big tent, with no formal program, just open social time, along with drinks and a grazing table from Oles Farm, and human jukebox Vinnie DeRosa playing hits from big Reunion '25 years such as 1975 (50th!), 2005 (20th! “Mr. Brightside,” anyone?), and maybe a lot from the 80s, as members of the Class of '85 have called for a clustered all-80s Reunion!

Register for Reunion 2025!




Park School Auction

All invited to join us for Park’s party of the year on Saturday, May 31! There will be food and drinks, live music and fellowship, incredible live and silent auction items up for bid, and hundreds of Park supporters enjoying the fun.

Tickets and Info for Auction 2025: Boots, Buckles & BBQ!



Alumni mixers

Alumni Mixers are back! Stay tuned for the next Alumni Mixer on Thursday, April 3, 2025! We gather in a public space hosted by a Park alum to catch up with each other and on news from the school; and for a new element to Alumni Mixers, each one will honor a beloved Park teacher who will join the gathering.